Sun has long been in the unix workstation business. Here are a few examples of classic Sun workstations.
Sun 360s were donated by Kirk Russel and "der Mouse". IPX was donated by Mike Hoye. Classic & Sparc4 were donated by Joe Thiemann
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Sun 3/60 workstation. This 68020 based machine is a good example of the
early 68k based Sun workstations. The 3/60 was very popular.
Here is a Sun 360 with the cover off.
Rear view of Sun 3/60, Left to Right:
Keyboard/Mouse connector (Lower unit has adapter box for separate
cables), Diagnostic LED's, Diagnostic switch, Ethernet ports
(BNC & AUI), Serial ports (2), SCSI (peripheral) port, video output.
These "Sparc" machines are based on Sun's own Sparc CPU architecture.
They are called "pizza box" machines due to the low flat case style.
Top: Sparcstation-1 - The original Sparc machine.
Middle: Sparcstation-4
Bottom: Sparcstation-5
Right side view:
The Sparcstation-1 has a floppy drive on the right side.
The Sparcstation-4 & 5 have bays for drives (CD etc.)
Rear view of Sparc-1, Sparc-4 & Sparc-5 . Left to right:
Power switch/socket, Fan (s1 only). SCSI-2, Network, Serial A+B, Keyboard (which
includes mouse), Audio connections. Top row of plates on right hand side are for
expansion cards - machines have only a video card installed (integrated in SS4).
These Sparc machines are called "lunch box" machines due to the square
boxlike case style.
Top: Sparcstation-IPX - Esentially a Sparc-2 in the lunchbox format.
Bottom: Sparcstation Classic
Rear view of Sparc-IPX & Sparc-Classic.
Inside the Sparcstation-IPX. The top half of the case holds the power
supply and drives, the lower half holds the mainboard. Can you find the
image of a cat inscribed on the mainboard?
Inside the Sparcstation-Classic.
Solaris 2.6 install package, Sun keyboard & 2 Sun mice. The CD-ROM drive
is a Toshiba XM3401 which has been jumpered for the 512byte blocks required
by Sun machines. The small adapter allows connection of a VGA multisync
monitor to a standard Sun display card.
A SUN monitor - note the connector on the end of the cable.