Daves Old Computers - Atari XE

The XE series are the last of the Atari 8-bit home computer line. The 65XE is essentially an 800XL, while the 130XE has a new memory management chip and a whopping 128k of RAM on board. Released at the same time as the 520ST, the XEs departed from the XL styling in favor of a marked similarity to the ST. Abandoned quickly in favor of its 16 bit brothers, relatively few XEs were made.

I do not have the original documentation for these systems. If anyone has the Atari 65XE / 130XE manuals, please contact me.

Click any photo to view a large high-resolution image.

The Atari 65XE - basically a 800XL in a new cabinet. Late in the 8-bit era, and with a bit too much focus on games to be thought of as a serious computer, the cosmetic change wasn't enough to spark a comeback.

Closeup view of 130XE front panel/keyboard. This machine is the same as a 65XE but with an extra 64k (128k total) memory. The last 8-bit Atari made, the extra memory was not supported by most applications.

Top: 65XE back panel. Left to right: Peripheral bus connector, Cartridge slot, Monitor, Channel select, RF (tv) output, Power connection, Power switch.
Bottom: 130XE back panel. Left to right: Peripheral bus connector, Cartridge slot, Expansion slot, Monitor, Channel select, RF (tv) output, Power connection, Power switch.

Still an Atari "game console", there are connections for two joysticks on the right side.

My complete Atari 130XE system. Clockwise from top left:
Boxes for 130ST, Floppy drive, Atari 1050 Floppy Drive, Leather covers for floppy drive and main unit, Atari joystick, power supply. In the center is of course the 130XE main console, and the drive cable is just visible above it.

Information label on bottom of 130XE.

This is the Atari 1050 floppy disk drive.

Rear view of 1050 floppy disk drive.

The main unit and the disk drive came with these leather covers.

Atari 8-bit computers Frequently Asked Questions (330k TXT)
Atari 8-bit computers Reference manual (160k PDF)
Indexed version of Atari 8-bit computers Reference manual (400k PDF)
6502 CPU Data Sheet (2M PDF)
Atari 8-bit simulator (dos)
Atari 8-bit simulator (win)

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